About Me

Writer, blogger and journalist working within across a range of different topics, including; reproductive healthcare, motherhood, mental health, sexuality and climate change. 

My Latest Work

I went back to work before my daughter was 1. People judged me for it.

I returned to work when my daughter was just 8 months old, and deep down, I knew I wasn't quite ready. I still wanted to be at home with her, but I had been looking for a new job even before I went on maternity leave, so when a new opportunity came up, I just couldn't pass on it.The first month was really hard. I remember coming home at 6 p.m. and crying while rocking her to sleep. I was nervous about starting a new role and juggling time with my family, especially as I was still breastfeeding,...

Why was I not warned about the dangers of my high risk labour?

Originally published in Lay It Out Magazine:

Ten weeks ago I experienced by far the most painful, and scariest, moment of my life. Of course, you expect childbirth to be painful. That was a given. After a draining nine months, I finally went into labour only to be told that what had been a relatively normal, low risk pregnancy could actually be quite dangerous for me and my daughter.

I had been in labour for eight hours when the midwives came to my house to examine me. Before they could, they

Women’s Abortion Rights Are Under Threat In The UK Too

But if the overturning of Roe v Wade has highlighted one thing, it’s that abortion access is far from perfect in the UK either. Considering one in three women will have an abortion in their lifetime, the possibility of anti-abortion movements flaring up in the UK is a growing threat to women, girls and people with wombs.

Abortion is legally available – but not all abortions are legal

First and foremost, it’s important to note that abortion is still a criminal act in England, Scotland and Wales

Weighing Up Online Personal Expression And Professionalism

Now, more than ever, young people are constantly reminded of what they post on their social media channels. In some ways, our online identity is just as, if not more, important than how we portray ourselves in real life.

As a teenager I actually remember having ‘life lessons’ at secondary school where teachers would nag you about how important it was to be professional online. That was more than 10 years ago now, so has anything changed?

Should you be sharing photos of yourself online?

Last y

Opinion: Would you stop dating someone if you found out they voted Tory?

On Monday 6 June, Boris Johnson survived a confidence vote after he secured the backing of 211 out of 359 Conservative MPs. And since the start of the pandemic, it feels like being involved in political debates has become unavoidable, even for those who would usually turn their heads.

From the government’s handling of Covid to the rise in protest movements such as Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion, we all make judgements and many of us “pick sides”. In the context of dating, where app

Feature: How accessible is charging an electric car?

Feature: How accessible is charging an electric car?

Katie Alexander explores the accessibility and safety issues surrounding the current EV charging network in the UK, and investigates how we can make EVs a viable mode of transport for all.

If the UK is going to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, it’s crucial we move away from petrol and diesel vehicles.

In 2019, the Government recorded that 27% of the UK’s total emissions came from the transport industry. Of this, 91% came from road transport

Accessing abortion care as a disabled individual

Mental health blogger and journalist Katie Alexander discusses abortion care in the UK

CW: discussion of abortion, the impact of abortion and pregnancy

[Image: a woman stands with a black and white sign on grass that reads "my body, my choice"]

With the looming threat of Roe v Wade being overturned, discussion around abortion care is heavier, and more contested, than ever. It’s important to acknowledge how difficult it can be for some to access abortion care even when it is legal, as it is he

Roe v. Wade Could Fall, but the U.K. Still Has Its Own Issues

I was 17 when my mom had an abortion. While I’m sure a number of women in my life had previously terminated a pregnancy, my mom was the first person who had openly expressed their experience to me. While she had always considered herself pro-choice, an abortion wasn’t something she ever thought she would experience herself. At that point in our lives, my parents already had four happy and healthy children. They also wanted a fifth—especially my mom. Eventually, she became pregnant and was due to

Opinion: Gypsies are vulnerable to discrimination – why are we still ignored?

As a member of the Traveller community, I’ve been told my whole life to shield who I am from the outside world. My parents, my mum especially, would always tell my siblings and I how people would see and treat us differently once they knew of our heritage. Growing up on council estate in southeast London in the early 2000s, I didn’t see myself as any different to anyone else.

When I was around nine years old, I lost my first “friend” because of my heritage. I didn’t understand. I lived in a hou

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My inbox is always open, you can contact me with the contact form here or with the details below:

Email: katiealexanderblogs@gmail.com

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